愛普生 Perfection V330 (Epson Perfection V330)掃描儀-愛普生(中國)有限公司 掃描種類涵蓋性強大,片匣收納最貼心 Epson Perfection V330 Photo的平板式掃描儀除了可以掃文稿與名片並提供光學識别功能外,也是一台底片掃描儀可以掃描正負片,可同時掃描35mm膠片x6個與幻燈片x4個,並提供膠片固定匣,大大提升掃描效率。
愛普生Perfection V33/V330掃描儀驅動官方下載|愛普生Perfection V33/V330掃描儀驅動最新免費下載 - 華軍軟體園 Epson Perfection V33/V330作為全球首款推出超微實物/影像掃描儀。14mm景深,4600萬像素每平方英寸實物/影像掃描,48位RGB真色彩圖像展現。可將實物、照片、文檔等各類 ...
Epson Perfection V33 驅動程式下載——更新Epson 軟體 - Solvusoft 2014年10月10日 ... 下載最新的Epson Perfection V33 設備驅動程式(官方且經過認證)。Epson Perfection V33 驅動程式每日更新。立即下載。
Epson Perfection V33, Drivers & Downloads - Technical Support ... This link provides access to Drivers & Downloads for the Epson Perfection V33.
Epson Perfection V33 Scanner - Product Information - Epson ... Scan photos, documents, 3D objects and oversized artwork with incredible clarity and detail — the value-priced Epson Perfection V33 makes it easy with 4800 ...
Epson Perfection V33 Scanner This link provides access to all drivers/downloads, documentation, and troubleshooting items available for the Epson Perfection V33.
EPSON Perfection V33 超薄掃描器- myepson 台灣愛普生原廠購物網站 EPSON Perfection V33 超薄掃描器3090元‧最輕最薄的掃描器‧解析度高達4800 dpi ‧高度僅4.1公分,重2.2kg‧可掃相片與文件.
產品介紹 - Epson 台灣愛普生 4800x9600dpi解析度,掃描解析度同級超高 業界同級超高4800x9600dpi解析度, Epson Perfection V33的OD值高達3.2與R.G.B輸出輸入的色階48bit的使用搭配下, ...
Epson Perfection V33 : Drivers & Software Support Home > Epson Perfection V33 > Drivers & Software ... EPSON Scan ( 3.921). EPSON Scan EPSON Scan ... EPSON Copy Factory (4.40). EPSON Copy ...
安裝說明 - Epson 台灣愛普生 1. 清點配件. 2. 安裝軟體. 底片固定夾. 軟體光碟片. 電源線. USB 連接線. Perfection V33. Perfection V330 Photo. 軟體光碟片. 電源線. USB 連接線. 安裝完成,請按下.